How to move your small audience into action

by Shana Lynn Yao
CEO | Business & Personal Success Strategist
Total Genius™


"Everyone told me it was great. Why is nobody buying???"

If you've ever wondered that, welcome to the world of entrepreneurship. Yes, it's a common recurring dream (or nightmare) every entrepreneur has. You launch your webinar, product or service, promote it everywhere, and even get a lot of great feedback.  You thought it was a success... only to find that you thought wrong.

Surely they wouldn't LIE to you and tell you it was great if it really wasn't.. would they???


People lie. Yes, I’m sorry to break it to you but if you’ve ever been told:

“YES! I want it!”
“Oh not now but I AM going to get it once I get my first client…”
“That was the best webinar! I can’t wait to buy what you have!”

You did great, but hold your horses grasshopper… there is a critical thing you MUST know before you can move forward. 

People are liars. Yes, it’s true. They don't mean to be, but call it "people pleasing" if you would like. The hard truth is their well-intentioned "high five" seems to have gone wrong and hit you in the head. :o  They don’t do it on purpose - I mean to them - they really want to support you. And they may even want what you sell...AT THAT MOMENT... But truthfully, people not buying despite positive feedback isn't even so much what they are saying and not saying that is causing you to lose the sale.  It’s actually YOURSELF.  

Yes - I'm sorry to tell you, but in order to turn your client success around, we need to get serious about this and find out what is really going on and fix it so this never happens again.



Ummmm, you said you have a business, right? A business makes money by selling things, right? 

I know, I know. You have that fabulous program, the product that will transform people's lives... and you're doing your marketing - webinars, social media posts, Instagram... but you're NOT PROMOTING WHAT YOU SELL. :o

Yes, you're not telling people that the fabulous article you wrote can be solved by your product or service. You're not inviting them to a call or telling them you have their solution.


Provide a call to action at the end. "Watch the free webinar"; "Get the easy to implement answer here"; "Schedule a chat and let's get you on the road to success".  Provide a call to action at the end of EVERY marketing activity you do even if it is to engage in another free thing you have. You want to show that you have their best interest in mind. Be their TRUSTED ADVISOR.


This is a common mistake of many entrepreneurs. You are so obsessed with what you've created that you selling THAT and not the RESULTS people want. 

"Look at my new 12 step course that will transform your life forever! It has 20 different workbooks, 50 videos, and only takes 10 hours a day, and it's in a gorgeous custom designed website..."

as opposed to:

"When you get my 12 step course, your life will transform. You'll be able to free yourself of stress and overwhelm, make the money you want, know exactly how to attract your target audience..."

See the difference? Your BBF (Best Business Friend) ideal clients are looking for solutions! If your business is positioned correctly, you solve an urgent problem. And that urgent problem is the thing your BBF ideal clients need. 


You need to put yourself in your BBF ideal client's shoes. FEEL their pain. Speak the words they need to hear and can relate to. Speak to the result they are looking for in ALL of your marketing activities. THEN provide the call to action.


I know, I know. You like them - you really, really do. After all, they are your Best Business Friends... but as a business owner, "friendship" needs to redefined. It's important that you fall in love with your BBF's, but your job as a business owner is to assume the role of "Trusted Advisor". This means that you want what's best for them. You want to take care of them within the realms of what you do in your business. 

As the Trusted Advisor, it is now your JOB to make sure they find solutions to their problems. And as the expert you are, you have those solutions. This is not about manipulating them but watching out for them. You would not want your friends to suffer with their problems, would you?


Start positioning yourself as the Trusted Advisor. Be their friend and provide solutions where you can. And when applicable refer them to your free and paid information. You are an expert at what you do, and it's your job to take that role and advise them as an expert.


I know - shocking, right? But you need to actually start appreciating the audience you have. 

This is a catch 22. YES - you want to market to new audiences and grow your list and prospects, but if you are always on the hunt for NEW people, you've forgotten the most valuable asset you already have... your current audience.

Despite the fact that they have not spent money on you, in fact, they are paying you. Yes - while their payments aren't green cash, they are actually paying you with their time and attention. 


You need to make an investment in THEM! Yes, as a well-positioned business owner, you understand that an investment goes both ways. It's a push/pull strategy that shows that you recognize the value inside of them BEFORE they spend money on them. You can do this by consistently being the voice of the "trusted advisor" - in your blog, your videos, and 1:1 contact. Your goal is to provide the information they need - because you understand the problem they are struggling with so well - and share that advice as OFTEN and regularly as possible. This could be in regularly scheduled live stream videos, blog posts, emails, etc.


You may have your "money mindset" on but deep inside, you may be feeling a bit desperate and lacking. And because of it, you haven't implemented the important law of SCARCITY.  

The "scarcity" law is one of the 6 ways to influence people as written in the book "Influence" by Robert Cialdini. It wasn't a business bestseller for NOTHING!!! It is a fact that humans procrastinate. Just like you, they have a LIFE - a life filled with distraction, other products and programs that are being thrown at them everyday. One of the proven ways to get people to buy what you have, is to apply the law of scarcity to your business.


Scarcity means instead of looking desperate and lowering your price, increasing your communication, trying to get your audience to buy what you have, you need to RAISE YOUR PRICE. TAKE THINGS AWAY. LIMIT TIME OF YOUR OFFER.

I know - right about now, your heart is pounding and you're starting to sweat - and you're starting to feel FEAR. Fear of losing the sale. Fear of offending people. Fear of being judged. 

It's ok. That is a human reaction. But nothing produces panic - panic in your potential client - more than desperation. YOUR DESPERATION. 

You need to understand that we have 3 brains and are ruled by our fear brains. That means that people will run from you if they think you are desperate, needy, or selling them. Unless you have status in their minds, you fall into the "Is this person trying to kill me, run from me, or mate with me" fear brain reaction. 

Instead of desperation, lowering your prices, following up even more, HOLD YOUR HORSES. If you're business is positioned correctly, you:

  • Have a system that is attracting OTHER potential clients so you can focus on marketing to THEM
  • You sell other things so you aren't relying on one product/service to depend on to pay your bills
  • Your business is setup to seed in your confidence because you know the strong stand you take on what you sell 


Uh oh! Are you clear on what your ideal clients need? 

I know you may have THOUGHT you are selling the right thing, but if they aren't responding and you are doing all of the things advised above, if they still aren't buying, there may be an even bigger mistake you are making...which is understanding your BBF ideal clients - who they are, what they need, and what you do that solves that specific problem.

Yes, it's a hard truth to face, but if people aren't buying and you aren't getting clients and making the amount of money you need and want, ultimately, there is a problem. I

Getting your passive audience or anybody to buy from you means that you solve an urgent problem. You understand your target market so well that you understand their problems so well - both the ones they are willing to buy solutions for and their emotional problems that are blocking them from discovering the solution themselves. You have a system that helps you market it and are building trust as their trusted advisor. And you STAND OUT from the competition.

This is what positioning is. It's the art and science of where you and your business sit in your own mind and then in the minds of your ideal clients.

A business that is positioned correctly means:
√ You sell what your ideal clients need
√ You have an evergreen marketing tool that can be your client attraction magnet
√ You know the exact words your ideal clients need to hear because you're so clear on them you speak their language
√ You are reaching your target audience all around the world because you're not relying on standard marketing tactics
√ You have a personalized marketing and positioning strategy that makes you STAND OUT as THE answer for your ideal clients

Now that you know what you may be doing wrong, what steps are you going to take to fix that?

Because in business, It’s not about being better than the competition. It's not about trying to be everywhere. And it's not about being on Facebook and trying to get more "likes".

It’s about having a business that is positioned correctly. A business that is based on your expertise and life experience, that supports what you STAND FOR, and ATTRACTS your ideal clients based on a purposeful strategy and system that works.

Discover how you can get your business positioned correctly, get the clients you are meant to serve inside of the Positioned to Sell FREE CLASS>.

Ready to scale attract your tribe of loyal PAYING CLIENTS and build your business in a smart, strategic and purposeful way using positioning?

Click here to grab your seat at the next FREE Online Class all about the EXACT steps to get your business positioned to sell! 




How to Get Your Programs Sold without being Salesy


Shana Yao is CEO and Founder of TOTAL GENIUS™, where she works with high achieving entrepreneurs to discover your genius - the combination of your greatest strengths, talents, and life experience - to create a profit generating business based on your purpose, that fulfills your life and makes an impact on the world. She is an award-winning Business and Personal Success Strategist with over 28 years of experience managing multimillion dollar retail and shopping center locations, including the famed Rodeo Drive. 

In her signature program Discover Your Genius, Shana helps her clients achieve discover and empower their genius within. Using her knowledge of neuroscience, neuro-linguistic programming, positive psychology, emotional and positive intelligence, and high level business strategies, she works to develop her client’s unique vision by uncovering their purpose, their message, building their profit-generating signature program and putting their words into action on their website and in their customized marketing strategy. Schedule a chat to get your business and personal brand positioned to sell. 

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