Posts tagged business
The Manifesto - A Declaration of Truth, Freedom, And Your Best Life

Otherwise known as a mission statement, it's a statement of what you do in your business that is NOT your "elevator speech" but more a declaration of your beliefs, your values, and your overall mission and purpose of your business. It's the deeper meaning of why you do what you do - as Simon Sinek would call it - your big WHY.

It's called - A MANIFESTO. 

Unfortunately, most business owners aren't taught this when they first start their small business. You're taught to create an "elevator speech", a pitch - which IS necessary, but if you aren't able to communicate and understand your own deeper meaning and purpose in your business, how are you supposed to get other people to be excited about what you do?

What you sell as a business owner is what you sell - but what you REALLY sell and need to communicate with your strategic marketing is your VISION.  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MANIFESTO PLANNER.

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The Surprising Truth About Building A Successful Business Doing What You Love

Do what you love" - it's so cliche it almost feels fake to say it. But the truth is, it's what every creative entrepreneur ultimately wants. To live your dream, doing what your soul has led you to do, and make a lot of money from it. But when you're actually in the trenches, "building your dream business", that dream often times gets pushed to the wayside and traded for a business that feels more like a JOB, except worse, because you aren't getting a weekly paycheck at first. You're working all of the time. And some days you just want to quit. 

If that sounds familiar, don't worry. You're not alone. Find out the truth about creating the life and business you love actually doing what you love.

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