Posts tagged believe
The Surprising Secret To Raise Your Vibration

Years ago a little movie called "The Secret" came out and after it was on Oprah, I remember it being the buzz of the moment. Everybody wanted "in" on the secret to attract what they wanted. And while many jumped on the "manifesting" bandwagon, it just seemed like a lot of woo woo to me so I just let it pass.

And it wasn't until I started my business and found a world of spiritual coaches, psychics, and people who talked about "high vibrations" that I realized how big this topic was. And while I'm spiritual and believe in God, I'm not one to jump on any bandwagon. I believe in deliberate and focused action AND belief to get to the the results you want.

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Why You Need To Start Believing In Yourself

Believe in yourself - I mean "DUH" you think - "of course you need to believe in yourself". But you know that and then when, as an entrepreneur, you find yourself feeling afraid to do a video, afraid to speak up and say what you think, and questioning whether you are worth the amount you are charging for your products, services, or as a blogger, your social media following.

I mean, I get it. I'm an entrepreneur and human too. And actually, my own self doubt caused me to study psychology, and how our brains actually work. And I'm here to tell you, we are our own worst enemy. Research shows that we have 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day, 80% are NEGATIVE and 95% are unconscious and repetitive. 

What??? Wow - that's a lot of unconscious and negative thinking happening behind the scenes - and the reality is, if you aren't conscious of this basic human fact, you may experience a lot of self doubt and actually get in your own way on your path to success.

So what's a girlboss to do when our very own minds are not supporting our path to success?

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