Posts tagged blogger
Why What You DON'T Know About Business Is Your Secret Weapon

If the words "sales funnel" makes you cringe, I'm going to shed some light on why and why knowing this could be not only be freeing but when put into action, could be your secret weapon to attracting your business besties with a marketing strategy that works.

F*ck the funnels. As someone who has been doing marketing for 28 years - working with multi-million dollar retailers, shopping centers, and creating marketing campaigns that have not only brought in millions but won awards - I'm here to tell you what you don't know about sales funnels may be an advantage over the checked out, over-programmed and auto-piloted "big guns" in the entrepreneurial world.

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How To Make Money Doing What You Love (Tough Love For Entrepreneurs)

Doing what you love and making money from it. In concept it seems so great but whether you have a business and are trying to do that or you have thought about it and just haven't done it, the time is NOW.

Never has it been easier to make money - period. With the power of the internet and social media, if you're not making money doing what you love, WHY NOT?

And if you have a soul sucking business already, maybe it's time to rethink the way you think about having a business and turning it into one that you love.

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The Surprising Secret To Raise Your Vibration

Years ago a little movie called "The Secret" came out and after it was on Oprah, I remember it being the buzz of the moment. Everybody wanted "in" on the secret to attract what they wanted. And while many jumped on the "manifesting" bandwagon, it just seemed like a lot of woo woo to me so I just let it pass.

And it wasn't until I started my business and found a world of spiritual coaches, psychics, and people who talked about "high vibrations" that I realized how big this topic was. And while I'm spiritual and believe in God, I'm not one to jump on any bandwagon. I believe in deliberate and focused action AND belief to get to the the results you want.

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What Successful People Have That You Don't (You Actually Have It Too)

You see them everywhere. They are on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube - and every time you see them, you wonder "How did they do it?"

The struggle is real - or so you would think. I mean you weren't born looking like Bella Hadid and don't have the 4 million followers on Instagram that Aimee Song has, and don't even have a school like Marie Forleo. So when you launch forward to build your brand, it can be intimidating and cause you to lose your confidence and once high hopes.

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How To Turn Your Blog Into A Business - Beginners QA

How do you turn your blog into a business? - is the question of the day, so here are a few of the most asked questions to help you get started. Whether you are just starting out or have a business and want to get serious about blogging, this blogger QA will help you get to your next steps.

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