Posts tagged get results
How To Multiply Your Sales & Results - Entrepreneur & Small Business Marketing

open your mind and challenge your sense of what’s truly possible. With a little creativity and thinking outside of the box, you can start multiplying your sales and results.

Don’t do work you don’t need to. Don’t spend money on learning more and trying to do more. Your goal is to make sure that every activity, every investment, every opportunity, and every marketing effort, produces (multiplies) your expectations, your results, and your happiness and confidence.

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How To Instantly Improve Your Results

When you think of the term "hustler", it's a natural reaction to think of a drug dealer or someone who isn't on the up and up. At least that was what I used to think. Today I want to share a secret of adopting a hustlers mindset that could change how you see yourself and your role as a self empowered leader.

While this hustler word has, in the past evoked a negative emotion in me, I surprisingly have a lot of friends - successful friends - who would describe themselves as hustlers. And each and every one of them are highly inspirational, do great work in the world, and have earned every bit of success they have.

Think of Gary Vayernchuk - he's a self proclaimed hustler who not only has built multiple successful businesses but gives back to people everyday. It's a no holds barred attitude and today, I want to help you get your hustle on so you can INSTANTLY improve your results.

If you're ready, put on your hustler hat and let's get busy.

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How To Create A Simple Productivity Plan That Gets Results

It takes just 45 days to produce results. Results in your own self confidence, results in your business, results in your life, and results in your bank account.

The 45 Day Science of Success Formula is for people who are ready to burn the boats. Take no prisoners, shut out the noise, and finally see progress. This is for impatient, high achievers who are tired of settling for ordinary.

The reality is, as a high achiever, every time you “settle” for less than you know you are capable of, you beat yourself up. It’s a cycle that keeps most people stuck in the endless loop of mediocrity.  And mediocre, you are not.

Why 45 days? Because most goals are set at 90 days - which is great if you need and have more time. But genius, impatient entrepreneurs people rarely are willing to wait. This is about ACTION and FOCUS. So let’s dive in.

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