Posts tagged influencer_marketing
How Small Businesses Can Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing

Influencers. Brand Ambassadors. Raving Fans.  It's called influencer marketing and it's the buzz on every business's list and toping every marketing budget. 

But when you're a small business, every dollar counts. So is influencer marketing worth your while or is there anything you can do to take advantage of this latest marketing trend?

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How To Multiply Your Sales & Results - Entrepreneur & Small Business Marketing

open your mind and challenge your sense of what’s truly possible. With a little creativity and thinking outside of the box, you can start multiplying your sales and results.

Don’t do work you don’t need to. Don’t spend money on learning more and trying to do more. Your goal is to make sure that every activity, every investment, every opportunity, and every marketing effort, produces (multiplies) your expectations, your results, and your happiness and confidence.

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