Posts tagged brand personality
How To Brand Yourself On Instagram

It sounds weird - for a business owner to "brand yourself" - but in fact, whatever you do in business, it's now your job not to only sell what you do, but sell who you are. I mean, with over 2 BILLION people on social media, how else do you expect to actually stand out?

Because in fact, no matter what kind of business you have and whoever you are, you are a walking personal brand. Yup! Your personal brand is what people say about you after you have left the room.

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How To Win Instagram As A Micro-Influencer

There's a new influencer in town, and it's called a MICRO-INFLUENCER. Let's hear it for the small brands, the people with the smaller following on Instagram and other social media platforms. It turns out size doesn't matter - or at least in the way that you think.

Traditionally, it has been the goal of most people on Instagram to pursue a large following. Known as a "macro-influencer", people with hundreds of thousands to millions of followers produce a pavlov dog response in people trying to make their own impact with their social media feed. But now, in a time when people - consumers - are starting to get picky - picky on what they want to buy, brands they trust, and now turning to reviews and recommendations from friends over big box options - there never has been a better time to stand out as a smaller brand.

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How To Tell Your Brand Story On Social Media

Your brand story. It's a confusion to many whether you are a fashion blogger, a coach, or a fitness instructor, you have a brand story. It's not just your own story and it's not the creative and cohesive design on your website - it's actually a STORY that is told through the art of words and images.

As a business strategist AND a creative writer, blogger, and stylist, I've seen people talk about design. And I've seen people talk about business tactics. But few are actually talking about the how to combine the two and use it in your actual marketing - how to tell your brand story on social media.

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How To Find Your Voice In Business & Blogging

It's probably the most asked question when people start their business.

How do you stand out online in the crowded environment?
What do I write about?
I love so many things - how do I pick one?

And yet, if you haven't found it yet and are struggling to get noticed online, it doesn't matter how long you have been blogging or been in business - chances are you are a bit scattered, struggling wth doubt, and going nowhere fast.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Today, we are going to help you find your voice in business and blogging and claim your place in the online world. Here are 5 things you can do to find your voice.

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Why You Don't Have To Pick A Niche As A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

You've heard it a million times - "pick a niche". It's probably the most heart wrenching question most multi-passionate entrepreneurs and bloggers struggle with.

Pick a niche when you have so many different interests? How do you put your passions into one restricted box? Yet when it seems as though everybody is saying you have to choose just one, most people set off and follow what the "best practices" and status quo are preaching. 

You're a health coach, a blogger, a person who loves your life and when someone tells you to "niche down" it makes your heart crumble. How do you put your multiple interests and talents into a small niched-down box?

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3 Steps To Create Your Brand Personality On Instagram

It's the way business is trending  Gone are the days of just trying to "build a list", just running a Facebook ad, or hanging out on Facebook all day (really when did that ever work). :o With the rise of the number of people building businesses online - from teenagers to millennials to even grandmothers - it's becoming harder to be visible, to stand out, and to have a presence on any social media app.

But in fact, Instagram is the best place to actually build a personal brand that attracts your ideal clients and raving fans. 65% of all people communicate through visual communication, and with a high potential for engagement, it's quickly becoming the darling of social media for business owners and bloggers who want to monetize their blogs.

And as someone who has taken this formula to heart, I've tripled my following in just 45 days, gained new clients AND met people who actually "get" me and I get right back - simply by trashing my stuck and boring social media strategy and infused, well, ME into my Instagram.

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