Posts tagged personal brand
Why You Need to Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Life purpose.

It sounds daunting and huge. But in my view, it’s really what your life has led you to do RIGHT NOW. You may have a job you love, or one you hate. You may be a mother or father, an entrepreneur - whatever you are and however you define yourself, life purpose is the CONSCIOUS choice you make for your life in that moment.

You may spend your life pursuing your life purpose, and that is AMAZING! The goal of our lives is not to finally “get there”. There is no finish line. If you wake up everyday happy, loving what you do and who you are, I would define that as “life working for you.”

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2020 Vision: How Will You Move Forward In The Year Of The Pandemic?

Life purpose.

It sounds daunting and huge. But in my view, it’s really what your life has led you to do RIGHT NOW. You may have a job you love, or one you hate. You may be a mother or father, an entrepreneur - whatever you are and however you define yourself, life purpose is the CONSCIOUS choice you make for your life in that moment.

You may spend your life pursuing your life purpose, and that is AMAZING! The goal of our lives is not to finally “get there”. There is no finish line. If you wake up everyday happy, loving what you do and who you are, I would define that as “life working for you.”

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How To Brand Yourself On Instagram

It sounds weird - for a business owner to "brand yourself" - but in fact, whatever you do in business, it's now your job not to only sell what you do, but sell who you are. I mean, with over 2 BILLION people on social media, how else do you expect to actually stand out?

Because in fact, no matter what kind of business you have and whoever you are, you are a walking personal brand. Yup! Your personal brand is what people say about you after you have left the room.

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how to wake up with purpose & on purpose

You've heard it from everyone - you need a morning routine. And whether you learned the "Morning Miracle", "The 5 Things Successful People Do Everyday" - in fact - you may already have one. But what people don't tell you, is what actually needs to happen before your morning routine and what happens after.

It's a system - a strategy that pulls together the pieces of your life and the mechanics of your mind. What people who create morning routines tell you is the WHY behind it. Why NOT doing certain things will keep you standing still or moving backwards. And if you're trying to reach a bigger goal - trying to start a new project, grow your business online, or start something new, it's not just a morning routine that will get you there. It's a plan. A strategy. A morning strategy that works.

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How To Find Your Voice In Business & Blogging

It's probably the most asked question when people start their business.

How do you stand out online in the crowded environment?
What do I write about?
I love so many things - how do I pick one?

And yet, if you haven't found it yet and are struggling to get noticed online, it doesn't matter how long you have been blogging or been in business - chances are you are a bit scattered, struggling wth doubt, and going nowhere fast.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Today, we are going to help you find your voice in business and blogging and claim your place in the online world. Here are 5 things you can do to find your voice.

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Why You Don't Have To Pick A Niche As A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur

You've heard it a million times - "pick a niche". It's probably the most heart wrenching question most multi-passionate entrepreneurs and bloggers struggle with.

Pick a niche when you have so many different interests? How do you put your passions into one restricted box? Yet when it seems as though everybody is saying you have to choose just one, most people set off and follow what the "best practices" and status quo are preaching. 

You're a health coach, a blogger, a person who loves your life and when someone tells you to "niche down" it makes your heart crumble. How do you put your multiple interests and talents into a small niched-down box?

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