Posts tagged disruptive-marketing
How to find clarity & certainty in uncertain times

Our brains are hard wired to seek certainty, making judgements about what is “safe” and predictions based on past programming. And amidst any sort of threat - whether perceived or real - your brain triggers our own biology into feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic.

Enter 2020, when the entire world was turned upside down with a pandemic. Without warning, everyone’s life was disrupted - emotionally, financially, and experientially.

For our brains, the experience of uncertainty is both cognitively taxing and anxiety producing. In fact, when all neurological resources are directed towards fearing uncertainty, your ability to make decisions, assess situations with clarity, and even your ability to learn is disrupted.

So how do you move forward, let alone achieve your goals and find inner peace during times of chaos and unpredictable change?

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Why Entrepreneurial Businesses Should Be on YouTube in 2019 (and how to do it)

By now, if you’re in business, you know, have, and are trying to maximize your presence on Instagram. With 1 billion users each month, it’s hard to deny it’s popularity for people to build awareness for your brand. But in the overload of information and hype about Instagram, many smaller entrepreneurs and brands find themselves struggling to keep up with the ever-changing platform, competing for people’s shortened attention spans, and losing their authentic uniqueness and confidence in the process.

If you can relate, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Even larger influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers have noticed a drop in their engagement, and a following that is so distracted, many have turned to additional platforms to support their presence and provide more value and opportunities for engagement with their followers.

To stay relevant in an ever-changing market, diversifying your marketing and adding a YouTube channel can keep you at the top of your game, and bulletproof despite changes in social media and consumer behavior.

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How Small Businesses Can Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing

Influencers. Brand Ambassadors. Raving Fans.  It's called influencer marketing and it's the buzz on every business's list and toping every marketing budget. 

But when you're a small business, every dollar counts. So is influencer marketing worth your while or is there anything you can do to take advantage of this latest marketing trend?

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how to get what you want by using everything you have

Have you ever been at a place in your business or life when you feel like a change is in order? It feels a little like chaos, discontent, or just a little tug inside of you that feels like a gnawing tug in your heart and soul - something you can’t shake.

If so, you’re alone! That feeling and nudge is actually a sign. A powerful sign that something bigger is inside of you and prompting you to GROW! However scary it may seem, it’s actually an exciting and empowering place to be.

Sometimes the best things, happen when you aren’t looking for them.

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Maximize Your Holiday Sales - For Entrepreneurs & Small Business

It's the holidays and there is no better time to increase awareness of your business, and capitalize on the willingness of customers to spend money. More than 30% of annual sales are made during the holiday selling season. Find out how you can stand out in the crowded marketplace, build awareness and not lose your high value in the process.

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How To Use Disruptive Marketing To Win On Instagram

It's called disruption for a reason. It literally disrupts the status quo. Whether it's on Instagram or in your business or blog, it's how you stand out and win at whatever game you are playing.

And while you may think you don't want to upset people, the reality is, if you're going to stand out in the crowded business environment, disrupting the status quo is actually a powerful and KIND thing to do. 

Disruptive marketing, on the other hand, shifts the conversation to what is new and different.  It catches the attention of others who share similar opinions because you appeal to the human condition, NOT to the marketing tactics being practiced.

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