How To Create A Simple Productivity Plan That Gets Results

It takes just 45 days to produce results. Results in your own self confidence, results in your business, results in your life, and results in your bank account.

The 45 Day Science of Success Formula is for people who are ready to burn the boats. Take no prisoners, shut out the noise, and finally see progress. This is for impatient, high achievers who are tired of settling for ordinary.

The reality is, as a high achiever, every time you “settle” for less than you know you are capable of, you beat yourself up. It’s a cycle that keeps most people stuck in the endless loop of mediocrity.  And mediocre, you are not.

Why 45 days? Because most goals are set at 90 days - which is great if you need and have more time. But genius, impatient entrepreneurs people rarely are willing to wait. This is about ACTION and FOCUS. So let’s dive in.

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Best Instagram Hashtags To Gain Followers And Build Your Tribe

Instagram. On a personal side, you love the pretty pictures and for business, Instagram is taking over the social media scene. With over 700 million active users everyday, if you're not jumping on board the #instatrain you may want to start!

Along with having a cohesive feed, and other insider tips (more on this soon), the strategy behind growing your following on Instagram is so much more than just using hashtags, but hashtags are a great way to start understanding the science behind growing your Instagram community of followers.

The power of a valuable Instagram strategy comes from understanding both the ART and the SCIENCE behind the platform and how your brand fits into the scope of it. So today we are just going to dive into one part - your #hashtags.

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How To Dress Like A Fashionista On A Budget

You're a secret fashionista, love trendy styles that you see in the magazines - but when push comes to shove - you find yourself wearing jeans and a comfy tee.

When you're a busy girlboss on a mission, it's hard to prioritize looking like a badass when you've got things to do. But let's be honest - NOT looking like your once amazing self has left you feeling less inspired for your work, looking a bit ragged, and may even have you lowering your standards.

I get it. Find out how do you dress like a fashionista when you're on a budget.

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How To Transform Your Passion Into Your Profit

Do what you love. You've heard it before and to many, it seems like a dream. Of course you want to do what you love, but - ahem - you have bills to pay, a family to support, and well, a life to live. You're busy, I get it. And yes, you have to be able to make money - super important. But with everyone from Elon Musk to Oprah saying that in fact doing what you love is the secret to success, how could that be wrong?

Everyday (literally everyday) when I meet people I always ask what they do for a living. When they tell me they usually follow up with a "what I REALLY want to do is to _____." 

As a business strategist who helps entrepreneurs build their business based on their expertise, life experience and passion - I can't help but push further. What are you doing to make that dream come true? What are your short and long term goals? How can you make that a reality instead of a dream?

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Build Your Tribe - How To Make Networking Fun

Networking. The word itself gives me the heebie jeebies. It makes me think of the stuffy rooms I used to have to go to in my corporate life, the men dressed in uncomfortable looking suits trying to get seen, women in high heels and "power suits" and me, feeling like a fish out of water in my NOT-corporate looking outfit and introverted self.

But those days are long gone. As an entrepreneur and now being the CEO of my own business and life, while it is now my job to do things that grow my own network, it is my choice just how I do that.

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Make An Impact Online & Offline With Your Personal Brand

Visibility. Getting seen and heard by clients - it's a mystery and challenge for many entrepreneurs that leaves people taking "visibility challenges", joining Facebook groups, and struggling to attract clients.

And it's to be expected. With over 1.28 BILLION people logging into just Facebook everyday, it's no wonder many struggle in doubt and lack of confidence in their own identity and self worth as a business owner.

Or is it? The truth is, just as many struggle with being seen and getting clients, there are also people who don't. So is there a secret formula? 

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