Posts in business
The Manifesto - A Declaration of Truth, Freedom, And Your Best Life

Otherwise known as a mission statement, it's a statement of what you do in your business that is NOT your "elevator speech" but more a declaration of your beliefs, your values, and your overall mission and purpose of your business. It's the deeper meaning of why you do what you do - as Simon Sinek would call it - your big WHY.

It's called - A MANIFESTO. 

Unfortunately, most business owners aren't taught this when they first start their small business. You're taught to create an "elevator speech", a pitch - which IS necessary, but if you aren't able to communicate and understand your own deeper meaning and purpose in your business, how are you supposed to get other people to be excited about what you do?

What you sell as a business owner is what you sell - but what you REALLY sell and need to communicate with your strategic marketing is your VISION.  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE MANIFESTO PLANNER.

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How Small Businesses Can Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing

Influencers. Brand Ambassadors. Raving Fans.  It's called influencer marketing and it's the buzz on every business's list and toping every marketing budget. 

But when you're a small business, every dollar counts. So is influencer marketing worth your while or is there anything you can do to take advantage of this latest marketing trend?

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Redefining Business Success for Entrepreneurs Who Want to Inspire Change

You have a bold determination to create impact with your work. Your purpose defines you and your business, but over the years, something seems to have shifted. Some days you feel in total alignment but oftentimes, you’re lacking clarity, feeling overwhelm, and what used to work seems to have STOPPED working.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone! The truth is, with the progression of technology, the increasing amount of “noise” and people online, there is now an increased need and almost urgency for purposeful entrepreneurs to begin to make choices on what to focus on, where to allocate time and resources to, and how to actually make the money you want while creating the impact you want with the work that you do.

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how to get what you want by using everything you have

Have you ever been at a place in your business or life when you feel like a change is in order? It feels a little like chaos, discontent, or just a little tug inside of you that feels like a gnawing tug in your heart and soul - something you can’t shake.

If so, you’re alone! That feeling and nudge is actually a sign. A powerful sign that something bigger is inside of you and prompting you to GROW! However scary it may seem, it’s actually an exciting and empowering place to be.

Sometimes the best things, happen when you aren’t looking for them.

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How To Brand Yourself On Instagram

It sounds weird - for a business owner to "brand yourself" - but in fact, whatever you do in business, it's now your job not to only sell what you do, but sell who you are. I mean, with over 2 BILLION people on social media, how else do you expect to actually stand out?

Because in fact, no matter what kind of business you have and whoever you are, you are a walking personal brand. Yup! Your personal brand is what people say about you after you have left the room.

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5 Ways To Break Through A Creative Block

You're so creative you can't stand it. You have a million ideas a minute and you just know that if you could get it out in the right way, you'd be rich.

But you're stuck. Blocked. And when a creative person has block, it's painful. Because some days you're on fire and can write, create, do your work like a well-oiled machine. You're on fire and in flow. But the blocks that sometimes affect us all feels more like a CLOG. And the more you try to "overcome it" and bust through your own blocks, the more stuck you feel.

Am I right? If you can relate, read on. I've come up with 5 powerful ways to bust through your creative blocks and get moving back into a state of flow and accomplishing the vision that you so clearly see in your head.

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